Oaklawn’s Pelvic Health Rehabilitation (or Pelvic Therapy) team are physical pelvic therapists with specialized training in the treatment of pelvic pain and pelvic weakness conditions, such as urinary incontinence. Our physical therapists thoroughly examine the muscles, nerves, and tissues in the pelvic region, as well as your abdomen, back, hips, legs and posture to provide an individualized treatment program. It is a common misconception that it is “normal” to leak a little, especially with age. Although common, it is not a normal occurrence that you to have to inevitably accept. There are many reasons why dysfunctions may occur including pelvic or abdominal surgeries, childbirth, strenuous activity, sexual injury, lumbar disc issues, habitually poor urinary or bowel voiding habits, or simply weak pelvic floor muscles.
If you’re wondering whether or not you’re suffering from urinary incontinence, take a moment to answer the following questions:
If you answered “yes” to any of these, then it’s a discussion worth having with your primary care provider. Urgency and frequency of urination can be improved by retraining the bladder, but you must get a referral from your physician.
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is any pelvic pain lasting more than six months. Both men (especially following prostatectomy) and women can develop CPP. Tension in the pelvic muscles can affect the bladder and the bowel, and may cause pain in the back and legs. CPP can also cause:
Ask your primary care provider if Pelvic Health Rehabilitation may be right for you. A physician referral is required and covered by most insurances, including Medicare.
Bowel issues
Pain in the pelvic region
Loss of abdominal strength after any abdominal surgery During Pregnancy
After pregnancy
Physical therapy can offer a safe and conservative treatment option. Pelvic physical therapy involves hands-on treatment as well as muscle re-education and coordination training. Simply speak to your physician if you would like to discuss a referral to physical thearapy for any of the above listed conditions.