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Oaklawn is committed to treating all patients with respect, dignity and compassion regardless of their ability to pay. This policy establishes the actions that may be taken in the event of nonpayment for services provided by Oaklawn Hospital.
While prompt payment of any balance due is expected, the Hospital recognizes that not all patients are financially able to pay their balances. Depending on amount owed and the responsible party’s income, patients may be eligible for an extended payment plan and/or financial assistance. Eligibility for financial assistance is described in detail in the Hospital’s Financial Assistance Program (FAP) policy. Emergency care is provided to patients regardless of their ability to pay, past payment history, or unpaid balances.
The Hospital will not refer accounts to a debt collection agency or take any Extraordinary Collection Activity (ECA) before reasonable attempts are made to collect the amount owed and to determine if the patient qualifies for assistance and/or a payment plan.
Reasonable efforts prior to referring an account to a debt collection agency include the following:
Accounts Referred to a Debt Collection Agency:
The collection agency may initiate ECA using lawful methods of collection. This could include credit reporting to credit agencies, lawsuits or garnishments.
All patients, including patients set up on a payment plan, previously denied for missing information, or referred to a debt collection agency, can submit a financial application for consideration at any time as long as 240 days have not elapsed since the first statement notice was mailed to the patient. If a patient has made a payment that exceeds the discount they are eligible for and they do not have other outstanding balances, they will be refunded any amounts paid in excess.
Approved 2/14/2023 by:
Tiffany Elkins
Patient Accounts Service Center Director
Andrew Poole
Chief Financial Officer
Gregg Beeg, FHFMA, FACHE
President & CEO