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2016 Annual Quality Award Recipients

The Annual Quality Awards recognize the significant impact of quality improvement activities throughout the organization. Recipients submitted a poster with the required elements. The posters were then judged using the following criteria: 1) Goals described in measurable terms including a timeframe for achievement, 2) Quantitative and/or qualitative data collected and trended over time,  3) Data displayed in graphic format as appropriate, 4) Depth of impact to the organization (e.g., local, department-wide, or organization-wide), 5) Complexity of the project (e.g. 1-2 steps changed, 3-5 steps or more than), 6) Project alignment with strategic goals, 7) Use of quality tools and strategies. Judges for this year’s Quality Awards were Ginger Williams, Oaklawn President and CEO, Theresa Dawson, Oaklawn Chief Nursing Officer, and members from the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Organizational Excellence.

First Place- Endoscopy Nurse Standard of Care

The Endoscopy unit was performing an average of 10 procedures per day with a turnaround time of 149 minutes per procedure.  The endoscopy quality workgroup team redesigned their nursing care model using LEAN principles, improving their average TAKT time to 85 minutes, a 71% rate of improvement.  This turn-around time allows for a greater capacity to handle up to 30 procedures per day- tripling their original average.  The team members were awarded 8 hours of PTO (personal time off).

Quality Work Group- Endoscopy-First Place:  Nikki Greger, Tracie Horabin, Ron Gauthier, Jeff Rhoades, Tina Nadrasik, Andrew Gordon, MD, Deb Smith, James VanPopering, DO, Freda Arlow, MD, Caron Warnsby, MD, Catherine Burtrum, MD, Karen Weck, Vicki Roland, Margaret Brown, Carissa Walker, Patricia Farmer, Karen Face, Amy Tewell, Martha Goben, Teri Fitzpatrick and Mark Montross.



Runner up- Trauma Designation

Oaklawn’s Emergency Department achieved State of Michigan  Level 3 Trauma Center Designation.  They used the State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Level 3 Trauma Program Work Plan in conjunction with the American College of Surgeon’s Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient to guide program development.  The team members were awarded meal coupons for Ella’s Cafe.

Trauma Designation Work Group members:  Kim Campbell, Sarah Hughes, Sara Birch, Theresa Dawson, Bonnie Edwards, Andrew Gordon MD, Vicki Rowland, Deb Smith, Irene Johnston, Indraneel Banerji MD, Kurt Piatkowski MD, Catherine Burtrum DO, Caron Warnsby MD, Ron Gauthier, Chris Wetzel and  Jess Kingston.