I will be going south for the winter, what happens to my membership?
We have Freeze Request Forms available to any member that will be unable to use their membership for a week or more due to travel or medical reasons. We’ll add the time missed to the end of the membership.

How do I know where to start working out?
As part of your membership, one of our degreed fitness staff will design a program tailored to your needs and walk you through how to do it.

Is there a cost for fitness classes if I have a membership?
No, classes are included with your membership.

What is the guest policy?
Each individual is allowed 3 free guest passes. They must simply ask at the desk and fill out a waiver form.

What should I wear while I exercise?
Comfortable, easy moving clothing is recommended. Everyone must wear a shirt, shorts or pants, and close-toed shoes. In winter, shoes must be changed after coming in from outdoors.

Is there any gym etiquette I should be aware of?
Please wipe off any equipment after use. Put any used sweat towels in the dirty towel bins. Return weights back to racks. Please be respectful and courteous to all members and staff.

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