Oaklawn Fitness Center upgrades equipment

Oct. 19, 2018


Oaklawn Fitness Center’s $60,000 project upgrades exercise equipment

 MARSHALL – Oaklawn Fitness Center patrons are enjoying the results of a $60,000 project that has led to the installation of a new array of modern exercise equipment.

“We’ve brought in 11 pieces of brand-new equipment, including seven treadmills, two ellipticals and two arc trainers,” said Nathan Burns, director of wellness services and the center at 13697 15-Mile Road west of Marshall. “This really puts us up-to-date with new equipment.”

In many cases, the new items replace older equipment that has been removed. In addition, a seated stepper is to be installed in the near future, new managerial software is being installed and the men’s sauna is to receive a $10,000 facelift during October, Burns said.

“This is kind of a facelift for the entire Fitness Center,” he said. “We’ve hoped to do it for some time, and when we realized earlier this year that our budget might allow it, we were able to go ahead and get it done.”

The equipment is manufactured by Life Fitness, Octane Fitness and other professional manufacturers of modern fitness equipment, Burns said. Other equipment such as exercise bicycles have been replaced over the years, but the new project has allowed for a significant number of items to be upgraded all at once, he said.

“Upgrading this facility has definitely been a need so we at Oaklawn can properly serve our community,” Burns said. “After all, we have about a thousand people per day using this facility, and we want them to have the best facility we can provide.”