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Oaklawn Auxiliary gives $30,000 to support hospital, art show

MARSHALL – Members of the Oaklawn Hospital Auxiliary this week presented donations totaling $30,000 to support hospital activities, and individual volunteers received an array of honors themselves.

At the hospital’s annual tribute luncheon Tuesday for auxiliary and hospice volunteers, auxiliary Co-President Cheryl McAuliffe presented Oaklawn President and CEO Ginger Williams with a check for $28,000. The amount represents funds raised over the past year by the organization through its gift shop and other activities, and additional money from the organization’s general fund.

An additional $2,000 was presented to support the auxiliary’s annual art show, during which hundreds of Marshall students display original works of art at the hospital.

The donation to the hospital raised the auxiliary’s cumulative contribution over the years to about $310,000.

Williams expressed the hospital’s appreciation for the monetary donations and for the thousands of hours and countless acts of kindness that the auxiliary’s 252 volunteers provide for staff, patients and patient families throughout the year.

The program at Marshall United Methodist Church included remarks by auxiliary Co-President Kathy VanDerMeulen and an update by Williams about the hospital’s recent activities.

Mike Beck, the hospital’s executive director of development, praised the commitment of the long-standing volunteers as well as the organization’s extensive membership growth in the past year.

Pastor Pat Bromberek of Marshall United Methodist Church gave the invocation and benediction.

VanDerMeulen, McAuliffe and Williams presented service award pins and supporting member certificates as follows:

One-year pins: Caren Bell, Jane Cain, Jim Cain, Jan Collins, Shirley Coulter, Jim Cox, MaryAnn Cox, Lynn Darling, Tiffany Dean, Gloria Dempsey, Steve Dempsey, Jo Ducheney, Renee Flynn, Cathy Gallup, Sheri Gillett, Starr Gillett, Judy Hamilton, Diane Hamlin, June Hindenach, Forrest Howard, Janet Kopulus, Lindsey Kratz, Claude Laing, Sue Livingston, Mary Sue Lowman, Pam MacQuaig, Nita Main, Carolyn Mellott, Angie Myers, MaryJo Ours, Beth Page, Verla Potts, Sharon Robinson, Glenda Rosenau, Sandra Schultz, Sally Tipton, Susi Traver, Jim Unruh and Catherine Vaught

Five-year pins: Judy Baum, Molly Bolger, Mary Briggs, Patty Franke-Williams, Sandy Fry, Ann Grzeskowiak, Gloria Murphy and Pastor Richard Wilson

10-year pins: Beau Goode, Barbara Hookway, Joyce Kelly, Linda Lambert, Lois Ludy, Donna Mikesell, Sandra Place and Mary Thick

20-year pins: Diane Burrows, Doreen Heemsoth, Kathleen Rasmussen and Liesl Whittington

30-year pin: Judy Huggett

35-year pin: Marilyn Jones

40-year pins: Ruth Albaugh and Linda Noble

45-year pin: Bobbi Machata

10-year supporting certificate: Lee Thornton

15-year supporting certificate: June Triebold

Since 1951, the auxiliary’s duties have included welcoming patients and visitors at the hospital’s information desks; staffing the gift shop; aiding staff or patients in departments such as the Oncology Clinic and Dialysis; making stuffed toys and tray favors; fund-raising; and assisting at special events such as blood drives, open houses and the annual art show.

Those interested in joining the auxiliary or who wish additional information about becoming a volunteer at Oaklawn Hospital are asked to contact Kyle Ann Keller at (269) 789-3903, or visit Oaklawn’s website and click on “Donate Your Time.” Keller said additional volunteers are needed for the Auxiliary’s Popcorn Guild and Oaklawn’s information desks.